Michigan Democrats Trying to Ram Magazine Ban into Law

Original photo from Detroit News.

Michigan Democrats are trying to pass a law to ban firearm magazines that can hold more than ten rounds. This proposal comes just after a shooting at the Oxford Community High School that left four students dead and others injured. According to Michigan Radio, the suspect in the shooting had used two 15-round magazines. Of… Continue reading Michigan Democrats Trying to Ram Magazine Ban into Law

14-Year-Old Shoots Robber in the Face

Photo courtesy of ABC Channel 6.

A 14-year-old boy in Philadelphia had to defend his mother, who was being strangled in the family’s pizza shop. Philadelphia is trying to give Chicago a run for its money as the most dangerous city in America. Chicago has long been known as the murder capitol of the United States. This year, the city of… Continue reading 14-Year-Old Shoots Robber in the Face

California Governor will Target Guns Using Anti-Abortion Law from Texas

Photo courtesy of BBC.

California Governor Gavin Newsom is threatening to use the Texas anti-abortion law in a similar fashion against the 2nd Amendment. Newsom’s outrage comes as the U.S. Supreme Court kicked back a case against the new law. The law allows citizens to bring civil suits against anyone who assists in an abortion procedure or performs the… Continue reading California Governor will Target Guns Using Anti-Abortion Law from Texas

U.S. Senate Candidate Dr. Oz Under Fire for Past Gun Control Support

Original photo from Chicago Sun Times.

Dr. Oz is running for the U.S. Senate in Pennsylvania as a Republican but is now facing opposition over his past comments on gun control. Oz may be one of the most famous people to run for Senate in many years on the Republican side of the aisle. Many people were surprised that Oz was… Continue reading U.S. Senate Candidate Dr. Oz Under Fire for Past Gun Control Support

14 Republican Senators Stab Gun Owners in the Back

Last night 14 Republicans jeopardized the right to keep and bear arms in grave fashion. Democrats have been itching to get rid of the filibuster for years now so they can ram through massive amounts of gun control. Well, Republicans may have just given them what they wanted in a backroom deal that has stunned… Continue reading 14 Republican Senators Stab Gun Owners in the Back

Which 12 American Cities Broke Homicide Records in 2021?

12 American cities broke homicide records in 2021. It’s safe to say that Biden’s America is more dangerous than that of his predecessor. 2021 is shaping up to be one of the deadliest in American history. The question is, why is so much violence occurring this year compared to previous years? Part of the problem… Continue reading Which 12 American Cities Broke Homicide Records in 2021?

Police Say Georgia Shooting of Uber Driver was Self-Defense

Union City, GA: You know, if it weren’t for the Kyle Rittenhouse trial, gun owners who act in self-defense would feel that they can rest safely at night. But, despite the Rittenhouse verdict, many gun owners might be wondering if they are okay to protect themselves. Perhaps one Georgia gun owner is wondering the same… Continue reading Police Say Georgia Shooting of Uber Driver was Self-Defense

Missouri Senate Candidate Flip-Flops on SAPA Harder than a Mitt Romney Flip-Flop

Missouri GOP Senate candidate Eric Greitens just made a flip-flop on the Second Amendment Preservation Act that would make notorious GOP flip-flopper Mitt Romney blush. Romney has long been known as one of the biggest flip-floppers in the GOP after his failed 2012 presidential bid. Now, former Missouri Governor Eric Greitens is giving Romney a… Continue reading Missouri Senate Candidate Flip-Flops on SAPA Harder than a Mitt Romney Flip-Flop

Failed Anti-Gun Candidate Stacey Abrams to Run For Governor Again

One of Georgia’s most anti-2nd Amendment candidates ever to run for office, Stacey Abrams, is set to run for the governorship again next year. Abrams famously lost her race to current Governor Brian Kemp and refused to concede. So, is she running for re-election then? We’re not sure, but we digress. Earlier today, Abrams told… Continue reading Failed Anti-Gun Candidate Stacey Abrams to Run For Governor Again