Are We Capped at 29 Constitutional Carry States?

By the end of 2024, there will be 29 states with some form of Constitutional/Permitless Carry, but is that the last of the states that will pass some form of Constitutional Carry? When I started the Idaho Second Amendment Alliance in 2012, there were only four states with Constitutional Carry: Vermont (which never had a… Continue reading Are We Capped at 29 Constitutional Carry States?

Georgia Gun Owners Passes Constitutional Carry through the Georgia House – Heads to the Senate!

KA-BOOOOM! Moments ago, Constitutional Carry passed through the Georgia House of Representatives by a vote of 100-67, aided by tens of thousands of emails from the members of Georgia Gun Owners! And the best part is that Speaker David Ralston and the rest of the RINOs in Atlanta were not able to put a single harmful… Continue reading Georgia Gun Owners Passes Constitutional Carry through the Georgia House – Heads to the Senate!

Georgia State Senator Jeff Mullis Says “Screw You” to Gun Owners

Atlanta, Georgia — Time is almost out in our fight to pass Constitutional Carry in Atlanta this session; we only have a few days left. Senator Jeff Mullis, a long-time enemy to gun owners in Atlanta, slow rolled Constitutional Carry in his committee a month ago, and he’s doing it again right now in the… Continue reading Georgia State Senator Jeff Mullis Says “Screw You” to Gun Owners

Southwest Florida Woman Uses AR-15 to Protect Home

Video footage from a home in Lee County, Florida, shows a break in suspect running for his life as an unnamed woman fired nearly 30 rounds at him to protect her home.‘s Brian Brownlee produced this report from the scene: Brownlee interviewed a neighbor who overheard it all. He had only one regret, as… Continue reading Southwest Florida Woman Uses AR-15 to Protect Home

Ohio Establishment Republicans Stalling Constitutional Carry

Original photo from Ohio public radio.

Republican establishment hacks in Ohio are doing everything they can to deceive voters into believing they are fighting for Constitutional Carry. Ohio has had two different versions of Constitutional Carry. The Senate and House have both run versions that are slightly different. What is supposed to happen now is that Republican legislators are supposed to… Continue reading Ohio Establishment Republicans Stalling Constitutional Carry

Boom! Constitutional Carry Clears Georgia Committee as Gun Grabbers Try to Stop It

Constitutional Carry is on the move in Georgia, which means, of course, the gun grabbers are mobilizing to try and stop it. SB 319 would make Georgia the 22nd Constitutional Carry state. The fight to remove a requirement to get government permission to exercise a natural right has been waging for years. Georgia is finally… Continue reading Boom! Constitutional Carry Clears Georgia Committee as Gun Grabbers Try to Stop It

Alabama Sheriff’s Association Director Wants to Change 2nd Amendment, Opposes Constitutional Carry

Photo from Yellowhammer news. (Text added.)

Alabama is looking to become the next state to pass Constitutional Carry. Gun owners who have lived through the debate know that it won’t come easy. Even in red states, some obstacles are always fighting against Constitutional Carry. Of course, you always have gun control groups pushing against Constitutional Carry, and you can’t forget about… Continue reading Alabama Sheriff’s Association Director Wants to Change 2nd Amendment, Opposes Constitutional Carry

Breaking: Georgia Gun Owners Demand Kemp, RINOS Deliver On Constitutional Carry Promises

Apparently, gun owners in Georgia have gotten fed up with lies and compromises from their RINO Governor Brian Kemp and his establishment friends in Atlanta.  After years in office, Kemp hasn’t delivered the Constitutional Carry bill that he promised gun owners before his election in his effort to get their votes. Gun owners delivered Kemp… Continue reading Breaking: Georgia Gun Owners Demand Kemp, RINOS Deliver On Constitutional Carry Promises

Gov. Kristi Noem Wants to Eliminate Fees for Conceal Carry Permits

South Dakota is already one of over 20 Constitutional Carry states. Now, Governor Kristi Noem (R) is advocating that fees for the permit be eliminated for those still wanting to get the permit. Noem was also governor when Constitutional Carry was passed several years ago. Noem addressed the issue in her the State of the… Continue reading Gov. Kristi Noem Wants to Eliminate Fees for Conceal Carry Permits

St. Louis Lawmaker Wants to Reverse Constitutional Carry

Missouri State Senator Steven Roberts (D-5) is proposing Senate Bill 1016, which would completely demolish Constitutional Carry in Missouri. Gun owners in red states must realize that the left isn’t giving up the fight to pass gun control. No matter what state these issues pop up in, you must recognize that gun grabbers in one… Continue reading St. Louis Lawmaker Wants to Reverse Constitutional Carry

2021 Accomplishments by Gun Owners!

Merry Christmas to all the readers of 2nd Amendment Daily News! While the year is coming to an end soon, let’s review some of the outstanding accomplishments by gun owners. After all, without the incredible activism of the 2nd Amendment activists in this country, the liberals would have implemented communism years ago. In no particular… Continue reading 2021 Accomplishments by Gun Owners!

Georgia Gubernatorial Candidate Says He’ll Sign Constitutional Carry into Law.

Image from Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Georgia gubernatorial candidate David Perdue has told Georgians that he will sign Constitutional Carry into law. Constitutional Carry has swept the country in recent years. Twenty-one states now no longer have a government-mandated licensing requirement for simply exercising the right to keep and bear arms. One of the “red” states that many gun owners thought… Continue reading Georgia Gubernatorial Candidate Says He’ll Sign Constitutional Carry into Law.