U.S. Surgeon General Says U.S. Has “Gun Violence Epidemic”

The U.S. surgeon general has decided that “firearm violence” (not a real thing) is an “epidemic.” Gun owners warned this was coming after Covid. It was only a matter of time before the government just decided that there was an “emergency” or “epidemic” with people who either use firearms to harm others or themselves, and… Continue reading U.S. Surgeon General Says U.S. Has “Gun Violence Epidemic”

Boom! Constitutional Carry Clears Georgia Committee as Gun Grabbers Try to Stop It

Constitutional Carry is on the move in Georgia, which means, of course, the gun grabbers are mobilizing to try and stop it. SB 319 would make Georgia the 22nd Constitutional Carry state. The fight to remove a requirement to get government permission to exercise a natural right has been waging for years. Georgia is finally… Continue reading Boom! Constitutional Carry Clears Georgia Committee as Gun Grabbers Try to Stop It

Biggest Liberal Meltdowns Over Rittenhouse Verdict

AOC photo courtesy of FoxNews. Watts photo courtesy of MSNBC.

The liberals have had a bad few days since Kyle Rittenhouse was found “not guilty” by a jury of his peers on five different criminal counts. Once Rittenhouse was pronounced not guilty, we all knew the liberals would cry “racism” and “white privilege” about the verdict. Never mind that Rittenhouse was white and only shot… Continue reading Biggest Liberal Meltdowns Over Rittenhouse Verdict