3 Gun Groups File a Lawsuit Against California’s Guns & Ammo Tax

The Firearms Policy Coalition, Second Amendment Foundation, and the National Rifle Association have all filed a lawsuit to take down California’s 11% firearms and ammo tax, which went into effect just days ago. FPC called California’s new gun tax unconstitutional, which it is. FPC President Brandon Combs blasted the new tax in a statement from… Continue reading 3 Gun Groups File a Lawsuit Against California’s Guns & Ammo Tax

Idaho Supreme Courts Anti-2nd Amendment Opinion a Warning for All States

The Idaho Supreme Court has made an anti-2nd Amendment opinion that should be a warning to gun owners in all states, especially red ones. In 2019, State Sen. Scott Herndon from Idaho (not a State Sen. at the time) and Jeff Avery went to the “Festival at Sandpoint” in Sandpoint, Idaho. The Festival at Sandpoint… Continue reading Idaho Supreme Courts Anti-2nd Amendment Opinion a Warning for All States

Gun Owners in Idaho to Appeal to Idaho Supreme Court Over Sandpoint Case

In June, Judge Lansing Hayes told the city of Sandpoint and The Festival at Sandpoint that firearms could be banned in a public park because the city “leased” the property to The Festival. The judge completely ignored the arguments made by the Idaho Second Amendment Alliance and the Second Amendment Foundation, who filed the lawsuit… Continue reading Gun Owners in Idaho to Appeal to Idaho Supreme Court Over Sandpoint Case