3 Gun Groups File a Lawsuit Against California’s Guns & Ammo Tax

The Firearms Policy Coalition, Second Amendment Foundation, and the National Rifle Association have all filed a lawsuit to take down California’s 11% firearms and ammo tax, which went into effect just days ago. FPC called California’s new gun tax unconstitutional, which it is. FPC President Brandon Combs blasted the new tax in a statement from… Continue reading 3 Gun Groups File a Lawsuit Against California’s Guns & Ammo Tax

Opinion: The NRA’s Rating/Endorsement System is Severely Flawed

The following opinion piece is by Greg Pruett, President of the Idaho Second Amendment Alliance and Editor of 2nd Amendment Daily News. The short answer to this question is yes, the NRA’s rating system is flawed, and it hurts the cause of liberty. There is perhaps nothing more sought after by a Republican candidate running… Continue reading Opinion: The NRA’s Rating/Endorsement System is Severely Flawed

The NRA’s Silence After Rittenhouse Verdict is Disturbing

The NRA has been silent since Kyle Rittenhouse was found “not guilty” on all five charges the jury had before them. The verdict was a great victory for common sense, America, and the 2nd Amendment specifically. Gun owners across the country cheered as the verdict was read, and the jury tossed this political sham of… Continue reading The NRA’s Silence After Rittenhouse Verdict is Disturbing