3 Gun Groups File a Lawsuit Against California’s Guns & Ammo Tax

The Firearms Policy Coalition, Second Amendment Foundation, and the National Rifle Association have all filed a lawsuit to take down California’s 11% firearms and ammo tax, which went into effect just days ago. FPC called California’s new gun tax unconstitutional, which it is. FPC President Brandon Combs blasted the new tax in a statement from… Continue reading 3 Gun Groups File a Lawsuit Against California’s Guns & Ammo Tax

Minnesota “Safe Storage” Bill Was More Proof of the “Camel’s Nose in the Tent”

A Minnesota bill (HF 4300) attempted to expand the state’s “safe storage” law passed the House but ultimately failed to make it out of the Senate when time ran out in the legislative session. Minnesota already has a safe storage law, but HF 4300 was designed to expand the law to lay out specific requirements… Continue reading Minnesota “Safe Storage” Bill Was More Proof of the “Camel’s Nose in the Tent”

California Law Taxing Guns and Ammo at 11% Goes Into Effect

California’s attack on gun owners continues with Assembly Bill 28 going into effect, which puts an 11% tax on firearms and ammunition. The bill claims it will help fund “violence prevention” efforts. Perhaps a better way to prevent violence is to let criminals know that innocent people have the right to defend themselves. The new… Continue reading California Law Taxing Guns and Ammo at 11% Goes Into Effect

Are We Capped at 29 Constitutional Carry States?

By the end of 2024, there will be 29 states with some form of Constitutional/Permitless Carry, but is that the last of the states that will pass some form of Constitutional Carry? When I started the Idaho Second Amendment Alliance in 2012, there were only four states with Constitutional Carry: Vermont (which never had a… Continue reading Are We Capped at 29 Constitutional Carry States?

Colorado Anti-Gun Law Blocked by Federal Judge…for Now

Seven states currently impose an age limit of 21-years-old in order to purchase any firearm. Colorado was to be the eight state, however, a federal judge has at least temporarily blocked the law. This latest push by gun control advocates will do nothing to stop criminals or deranged killers, but the fight is continuing across… Continue reading Colorado Anti-Gun Law Blocked by Federal Judge…for Now

Gavin Newsom Proposes Anti-Gun Constitutional Amendment

California Governor Gavin Newsom has proposed a Constitutional amendment that would significantly alter the meaning of the 2nd Amendment. Newsom’s proposal is for a 28th Amendment to the United States Constitution. The Amendment would not alter the 2nd Amendment itself, but would alter it in all practicality. Newsom says of the proposal in a press… Continue reading Gavin Newsom Proposes Anti-Gun Constitutional Amendment

San Jose Becomes 1st City to Require ‘Gun Liability Insurance’

San Jose has become the first city to pass an ordinance that requires gun owners to have liability insurance and pay a fee to the city. It seems as though we have written about these Democrat-led violent cities repeatedly in the last few months. Unfortunately, these liberal metropolises have become a haven for crime with… Continue reading San Jose Becomes 1st City to Require ‘Gun Liability Insurance’

9th Circuit Says Covid Shutdown of California Gun Store Unconstitutional

Photo from KPEL.

The 9th Circuit reversed a lower court ruling and said that the closure of gun stores in Ventura County was unconstitutional. During the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, many states locked down businesses. Many states, even red states, determined which companies were “essential” and which ones were “non-essential.” In states like California and other blue… Continue reading 9th Circuit Says Covid Shutdown of California Gun Store Unconstitutional

‘Assault Weapon’ Ban Introduced in Washington State, Repeal of Firearm Preemption

The gun grabbers in the state of Washington are at it again with another proposal for an assault weapons ban. Senate Bill 5217 would ban over 60 different firearms in a similar piece of legislation to the one currently in place in Maryland. That law is still moving through the court system and may get… Continue reading ‘Assault Weapon’ Ban Introduced in Washington State, Repeal of Firearm Preemption

Breaking: Georgia Gun Owners Demand Kemp, RINOS Deliver On Constitutional Carry Promises

Apparently, gun owners in Georgia have gotten fed up with lies and compromises from their RINO Governor Brian Kemp and his establishment friends in Atlanta.  After years in office, Kemp hasn’t delivered the Constitutional Carry bill that he promised gun owners before his election in his effort to get their votes. Gun owners delivered Kemp… Continue reading Breaking: Georgia Gun Owners Demand Kemp, RINOS Deliver On Constitutional Carry Promises

Seattle Mayor Wants to Control 2nd Amendment

Original image from King 5.

Seattle’s new Mayor, Bruce Harrell, is wasting no time in pushing his radical-left agenda on a city that is already crumbling due to the socialist policies it has enacted for decades now. Rather than reversing policies that have turned Seattle into a dumpsite and run businesses out of the state, Harrell wants to enact gun… Continue reading Seattle Mayor Wants to Control 2nd Amendment

Gov. Kristi Noem Wants to Eliminate Fees for Conceal Carry Permits

South Dakota is already one of over 20 Constitutional Carry states. Now, Governor Kristi Noem (R) is advocating that fees for the permit be eliminated for those still wanting to get the permit. Noem was also governor when Constitutional Carry was passed several years ago. Noem addressed the issue in her the State of the… Continue reading Gov. Kristi Noem Wants to Eliminate Fees for Conceal Carry Permits