Minnesota “Safe Storage” Bill Was More Proof of the “Camel’s Nose in the Tent”

A Minnesota bill (HF 4300) attempted to expand the state’s “safe storage” law passed the House but ultimately failed to make it out of the Senate when time ran out in the legislative session. Minnesota already has a safe storage law, but HF 4300 was designed to expand the law to lay out specific requirements… Continue reading Minnesota “Safe Storage” Bill Was More Proof of the “Camel’s Nose in the Tent”

So-Called ‘Safe Storage’ Law Goes into Effect in Oregon

Photo: HoldUpFirearms

The gun control crowd has had a hard time getting victories these days as state pro-2nd Amendment groups have mobilized against them, but there is one area they seem to be gaining some ground on in some “blue” states. So-called “Safe Storage” laws are all the talk these days with the gun control crowd. Approximately… Continue reading So-Called ‘Safe Storage’ Law Goes into Effect in Oregon