Federal Gun Confiscation Program Pushed by House Democrats

Congressional House Democrats are trying to maneuver around the GOP-led House to create a national Red Flag Gun Confiscation program to be backed by federal grants, or in other words, your tax dollars.

In light of the U.S. Supreme Court’s opinion in U.S. v Rahimi, there was a concern, written about by 2A Daily News previously (click here to read), that gun grabbers would use the Rahimi opinion to push Red Flag Gun Confiscation Orders at the federal level. And that appears to be the case now with House Democrats.

Reps. Salud Carbajal (D-Calif.) and Lucy McBath (D-Ga.) announced they would use a discharge petition to push the Federal Extreme Risk Protection Order Act, or H.R. 3018 (click here to read the Act).

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H.R. 3018 currently has 157 co-sponsors, all Democrats.

The discharge petition, which would require a handful of Republican defectors, would allow the Act to move forward after a certain time period if it garners 218 House members. Republicans, however, have already killed several Democrat-led discharge petitions this Congressional session.

McBath said in a joint Press Release about Red Flag Gun Confiscation Orders:

Extreme risk protection orders are already saving lives in Republican and Democratic states, allowing law enforcement and family members to intervene before it’s too late. My bill will expand these protections from coast to coast and give every American another tool to keep their communities safe. Our ‘gun-sense’ Democratic Caucus will continue to pursue every legislative solution we can to save lives.”


Gun owners have been warning about a federal gun confiscation program for years now. Nothing could be a bigger violation of the U.S. Constitution’s 2nd Amendment than allowing the government to confiscate firearms.

The primary reason for the 2nd Amendment is to prevent tyranny.

What could be more tyrannical than allowing an already out-of-control Department of Justice to start confiscating guns from people they “believe” are dangerous? If they are willing to put a former President of the United States in jail, what is to stop them from using this program to disarm Americans one at a time?

Let us know what you think of the Democrats’ effort in the comments below.