Nadler’s Gun Control Mega Bill Clears the House Narrow Vote — Five Republicans Join The Anti-Gun Left

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Late on Wednesday afternoon, the House of Representatives passed the Protecting Our Kids Act, a massive piece of legislation comprising eight bills that would severely limit Second Amendment rights.

Expectantly, the vote fell primarily according to party lines, with 223 yeas and 204 nays and one not voting. Five Republicans crossed party lines to vote yes with the Democrats. Two Democrats voted against the act.

Here is a list of Republicans who voted for the Protecting Our Kids Act:

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–        Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick, Pennsylvania 1st District

–        Rep. Anthony Gonzalez, Ohio 16th District 

–        Rep. Chris Jacobs, New York 27th District

–        Rep. Adam Kinzinger, Illinois 16th District

–        Rep. Fred Upton, Michigan 6th District

Here are the two Democrats who did not vote for the Protecting Our Kids Act:

–        Rep. Jared Golden, Maine, 2nd District

–        Rep. Kurt Schrader, Oregon 5th District

Republican Rep. Trey Hollingsworth of the Indiana 9th District did not vote.

Fitzpatrick and Kinzinger crossing party lines to vote in favor of the radical gun-grabbing bill were unsurprising. As we reported to you last week, both Republican representatives co-sponsored the Raise the Age Act, part of the Protecting Our Kids Act, which calls for the purchasing age for semiautomatic weapons to be raised to 21.

Also not surprising was Jacobs voting in favor of Nadler’s bill. As we reported to you on June 4th, Jacobs bowed out of his bid for reelection after losing support among both Republican leadership and base when he voiced his support for banning assault weapons and raising the age for legal gun purchase in the wake of mass shootings in Buffalo and Uvalde.

According to The Hill, Kinzinger, Gonzalez, and Upton are also not running for reelection.

The Protecting Our Kids Act Would Not Have Prevented Uvalde   

Ostensibly presented to prevent future tragedies such as Uvalde from ever occurring again, the Protecting Our Kids Act instead serves as a wish list of anti-gun policies that have long been the wish of leftist lawmakers, almost none of which would have prevented it.

Among the bills in the legislation include attempts to combat ghost guns, new regulations and penalties regarding gun storage, and reclassifying bump stocks as machine guns and then banning their future sale or manufacture.

The Protecting Our Kids Act moves to the Senate, where most political observers believe it will die. A small group of senators from both sides of the aisle have been working on possible legislation. As we reported to you yesterday, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) has given the group until the end of the week to come up with something, but some senators claimed that they would need more time to come to a consensus.


With the action moving to the Senate, both in terms of Nadler’s gun-grabbing bill and the passage of a Red Flag gun confiscation bill out of Nancy Pelosi’s House this morning, gun owners must now turn their attention there.

This isn’t a time to leave anything to chance — or to expect other gun owners to do our heavy lifting. Contact your legislators and let them know that not only do you oppose the tactically-named Protecting Our Kids Act, but also that you will not tolerate any gun control legislation from the Senate!

Feel free to use the form provided by the American Firearms Association below.

1 comment

  1. Part of this legislation was to prevent the people from obtaining “weapons of war”. But no nation issues AR15s to their military. Also the survivors claim that exploding bullets were used. But no ammunition smaller than 20 mm contains any primary or secondary explosives. This includes all custom and handloaded ammunition. What is described is hydrostatic shock wave produced by supersonic ammuniton. The goal is to outlaw anything faster than 45-70 ammunition with the heaviest 500 grain bullets. These caused Custer to loose at Little Big Horn. The outlawing of ghost gun machinery means even hand files would have to be licensed by BATFE.

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