NJ Gov. Murphy Pushes For Electronic Reporting, Ban Of .50 Caliber Weapons In Sweeping Gun Control Initiative

PATERSON N.J.- In a speech on Tuesday, Democratic Governor Phil Murphy renewed his push for tighter gun control restrictions in the Garden State. Specifically, Murphy pushed for legislation that would mandate the electronic reporting of gun owner’s information, according to NJ.com.

The legislation Murphy called for would require manufacturers and dealers to keep a detailed electronic record of sales and report them to state police.

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He also called for increasing the age that people can buy shotguns and rifles in the state from 18 to 21, as well as legislation that would compel firearms manufacturers to incorporate micro-stamping technology. That is, he wants a ‘fingerprint database’ of every gun in the state, even if hundreds of thousands of those guns have never been used in a crime.

He also called for the outright ban on future sales of .50 caliber guns in the state, according to NJ.com.

“Day after day, members of our New Jersey family are being shot and killed,” Murphy said, according to NJ.com “It’s outrageous their state government in Trenton is not doing everything they can to stem this violence.”

Is There Really A Shortage Of Gun Laws In New Jersey?

Yet, the website EverytownResearch.org, tells a different story! Everytown boasts that New Jersey already ranks eighth in the country for gun law strength, has the lowest rate of firearm ownership, and averages five gun deaths per 100,000 residents- far below the national average of 30!

“New Jersey has long been a pioneer in gun violence prevention—with one of the most comprehensive concealed carry permitting systems, perhaps the boldest ghost guns prohibitions, and both a permit and background check for all gun purchases,” EverytownResearch.org wrote.

The Giffords Law Center agrees, ranking New Jersey behind only California in its ‘Gun Law Strength’ Rank.

Despite these high rankings, Murphy remarked during his speech at Saint Luke Baptist Church — exactly one year after he first announced his gun control proposals — that 1,359 people have been shot and 250 died in that last year in New Jersey.

It’s Not Working

Critics of the bills, such as then-New Jersey Senate President Stephen Sweeney (D- Gloucester) claim they largely target law-abiding gun owners and do not stem illegal guns from coming into the state, NJ.com reported.

“I’m tired of passing bills that are feel-good that do not do anything about the crime on the streets,” Sweeney said at the time before he was defeated in a reelection attempt, according to NJ.com.

New Jersey Democrats have majority in both the Senate and the Assembly, NJ.com reported that Republicans gained seven seats in November elections and, thus, Democrats are approaching progressive legislation with caution.


Gun owners have heard this song and dance for years: Violent criminals are killing people and the legislature won’t do a thing to stop them! But when you overlay Murphy’s rhetoric with the facts of the gun control already on the book, it’s obvious that the gun control laws have been an utter failure.

It seems as though these tyrants and bureaucrats never the reality that’s as plain as day to law-abiding gun owners. We don’t think it’s a lack of knowledge about gun owners. We think it’s because their gun control is part of a larger agenda — disarming the American people.

Gun owners in New Jersey need to keep up the pressure on their legislators — because that’s obviously all that’s stopping Murphy and his Democrat pals from passing more gun control.