WASHINGTON- In yet another signal that the Biden Administration will be offering no compromise on the latest gun control legislative measures, White House Advisor Mitch Landrieu told CNN that there is “no middle ground” on gun control issues.
Landrieu made his comments on Friday’s edition of CNN Newsroom in response to a question by host Victor Blackwell inquiring whether the President would be engaging one on one with senators to agree on possible legislation.
Referring to a guest in a previous segment who was interviewed by co-host Alisyn Camerota who brought up the question of “middle ground,” Landrieu responded by dismissing the term.
There is no middle ground between life and death when somebody is standing over a kid with an AK-47, there is no middle ground,” Landrieu said. “And I think the president laid out a certain level of frustration last night with Congress’ inability to move where the American people want them to be.”
Landrieu’s comments appear to reflect current Biden Administration attitudes regarding the upcoming congressional battle over gun control issues.
In his slurred, politically combative speech from Cross Hall inside the White House on Thursday night, the President did not indicate a willingness to compromise with congressional Republicans, instead opting to chastise them.
I support the bipartisan efforts that include a small group of Democrats and Republican senators trying to find a way,” Biden remarked. “But my God, the fact that the majority of the Senate Republicans don’t want any of these proposals even to be debated or come up for a vote, I find unconscionable.”
More unhinged in his rhetoric was Rep. Mondaire Jones (D-NY). Addressing his constituents, Jones went on a threatening tirade seemingly aimed at congressional Republicans, although he did not call them out by name or by party.
You will not stop us from advancing the Protecting Our Kids Act today,” Jones remarked during Thursday’s hearings. “You will not stop us from passing it in the House next week and you will not stop us there. If the filibuster obstructs us, we will abolish it. If the Supreme Court objects, we will expand it. And we will not rest until we have taken weapons of war out of circulation in our communities. Each and every day we will do whatever it takes to end gun violence, whatever it takes.”
Jones, who assumed office in 2021 representing the 17th Congressional District, finds himself in a heavily contended free-for-all in the newly redistricted 10th Congressional.
The 10th Congressional district has a rare open seat after current Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee Jerry Nadler decided to seek the New York 12th District seat against powerful longtime Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney.
According to the New York Daily News, the field Jones is contending against in the upcoming August primary includes former New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, Brooklyn Assemblywoman Jo Anne Simon, former Congresswoman Liz Holtzman, and attorney Dan Goldman, who served as lead prosecutor for Democrats in the 2019 impeachment investigations of then-President Donald J. Trump.
The New York Daily News described the 10th Congressional District as “spanning brownstone neighborhoods in western Brooklyn, including Park Slope, as well as a large chunk of lower Manhattan.”
The Protecting Our Kids Act passed out of committee by a 25-19 vote. It is expected to pass the House. Many political observers believe it will die in the Senate, where a small group of Democrats and Republicans are working on possible bi-partisan gun control legislation.
Landrieu told Blackwell that Biden planned to work with Congress on gun control issues but avoided specifics.
“The President is going to use his bully pulpit. He actually called on Congress and but for going over there to do their job for them, I am sure that he’s going to work with them. He laid out a very specific plan of things that almost two-thirds of the people in America support,” Landrieu said. “Now, for the life of me as just a guy from New Orleans that looks up at Washington before I got there a couple of months ago, I don’t understand how Congress can’t act on pieces of legislation that over 70 percent of the American people support that are common-sense gun reforms that will save our children.”
Former President Barack Obama is attributed a quote stating that one should never underestimate Joe Biden’s ability to mess things up. That quote contained an expletive, which we will not publish here. This is a family website, after all.
Nevertheless, he’s right. And we find it both infuriating and hilarious that Biden would dare say nothing was done after the Sandy Hook school shooting in 2012.
After all, it was Biden himself who was placed in charge of pushing gun control legislation forward in light of that tragedy! He wound up making so many miscalculations and strategic missteps that the Obama Administration walked away with nothing to show for any of the sizable momentum for gun control they had when they started their push for it.
“It seemed like the moment when national outrage might lead to congressional action,” Politico wrote in 2015. “Biden did not deliver. Four months after Biden took on the mission, a modest measure to require expanded background checks died on the Senate floor.”
While the Politico article hints that Biden may have been too kid-gloves in his handling of Sandy Hook parents who wished to get involved in the political process and spent too much time dealing with senators who were not going to budge on gun control issues, the President’s tactic here is markedly different.
It is similar to the harsh “my way or the highway” approach of Patrick Swayze’s character in Road House if Swayze was an incompetent, agitated, dementia-riddled old man.
While gun owners are all-too-aware of the cowardice of RINOs, they also understand that they have a sizable amount of pride and ego. They probably won’t take too kindly to the Biden administration’s shrill attempts to smear them.
Like Sandy Hook, Biden may have, once again, done more harm than good, and the rhetoric of Landrieu, Jones, and other radical leftists may exacerbate the partisan divide.
But gun owners shouldn’t count this battle as a victory yet — not by a long shot! It’s loudly known on Capitol Hill that key Republicans are working on bipartisan gun control.
Pointing out Joe Biden’s many fumbles is fun, but it’s crucial that gun owners be contacting their legislators and telling them that they will not tolerate one single inch of compromise with the anti-gun left!
We urge you to do just that by using the form below, which was provided to us by the American Firearms Association. This form will connect you directly to your legislators in just seconds so take action today!