135 Republicans Vote for Red Flag Gun Seizures Against Military Members

Gun owners are used to fighting Red Flag Gun Seizures pushed by Democrats and gun control groups.

Red Flag laws have been passed across the country in numerous states and have become a major fight in recent years between 2nd Amendment advocates and anti-2nd Amendment groups. However, the Red Flag Gun Seizure fight has largely been kept at the state level, until now.

Last week, most House Democrats and 135 House Republicans in the passed Red Flag Gun Seizures for U.S. military members through the National Defense Authorization Act or HR 4350.

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While gun owners are used to fighting Democrats on the Red Flag issue, they typically don’t have to fight Republicans to stop it. Yes, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), and Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX) are a few Republicans who have supported or expressed support for Red Flag laws in the past, but 135 House Republicans supporting Red Flag laws is shocking to many gun owners.

Gun owners across the country are furious at the results of the vote and are lashing out at House Republicans.

Seth Rosquist, Chairman for the Idaho Second Amendment Alliance, blasted Rep. Mike Simpson (R-ID) for voting for Red Flag laws.

Here is what Rosquist told 2ADN,

If there is one thing Idaho’s gun owners will not tolerate, it is a weak-kneed and spineless Republican like Mike Simpson.

The ISAA strongly opposes any and all forms of Red Flag Gun Seizures and we will do everything we can to expose Simpson’s anti-2nd Amendment vote. Simpsom should immediately apologize to Idahoans for what he has done!”

So, what’s contained in HR 4350 that is pushing Red Flag laws on our military?

On pages 293 to 297, you will find the provisions of the law the pertaining to the Red Flag Seizure and disarmament. The requirements are listed there, despite Crenshaw and others saying the measure doesn’t exist in the bill.

What’s more, 2ADN has learned that the NRA and Heritage Foundation allegedly passed off on the vote.

2ADN spoke with Aaron Dorr from the American Firearms Association about the passage of the bill. Here is what Dorr told us,

It’s bad enough that moderate Republicans like Dan Crenshaw have stabbed gun owners in the back, but we have also learned that the NRA and Heritage Foundation signed off on this traitorous vote. It’s no wonder these organizations are tanking when they pretend to be one thing publicly, but then pull stunts like this behind the scenes.”

2ADN reached out to the NRA’s online media inquire site to get a comment but we have not yet heard back from them.

The NRA has been criticized in the past for their support of Red Flag Gun Seizures. In a video, now made “private” on YouTube, the NRA announced their support for Red Flag Gun Seizures with certain conditions. Despite the privacy setting, most major media outlets wrote stories about the NRA’s stance at the time the video was released.

While the House may have passed the HR 4350, the bill must make it through the U.S. Senate which has proven more difficult when it comes to gun control.

Dorr told 2ADN that gun owners must stand against HR 4350 and tell their Senators to oppose the bill. Here is what Dorr said:

While spineless Republicans in the House may have voted for Red Flag Gun Seizures, we can’t give up the fight. We have to push the Senate to do the right thing and let them know that if Republicans want to take back the majority in either chamber in 2022, stabbing gun owners in the back isn’t going to get them there.

Gun owners need to reach out to their Senators immediately to tell them to oppose HR 4350!”

What do you think of the vote on HR 4350? Did Republicans stab gun owners in the back once again?

Let us know in the comments below.


  1. Perhaps if you had listed the actual wording in the bill that we are supposed to object to, many more would get on board your side. Just a bland comment about page so and so does not tell us anything !

    1. I agree with Wayne perhaps what you are saying about the pages is nothing tell us what your apposed to

    2. “(j) Restrictions on Access to Firearms.–
      “(1) In general.–Notwithstanding any other provision of
      “(A) a military court protective order issued on
      an ex parte basis shall restrain a person from
      possessing, receiving, or otherwise accessing a
      firearm; and
      “(B) a military court protective order issued
      after the person to be subject to the order has
      received notice and opportunity to be heard on the
      order, shall restrain such person from possessing,
      receiving, or otherwise accessing a firearm in
      accordance with section 922 of title 18.

    3. See below “(j) Restrictions on Access to Firearms.–
      “(1) In general.–Notwithstanding any other provision of
      “(A) a military court protective order issued on
      an ex parte basis shall restrain a person from
      possessing, receiving, or otherwise accessing a
      firearm; and
      “(B) a military court protective order issued
      after the person to be subject to the order has
      received notice and opportunity to be heard on the
      order, shall restrain such person from possessing,
      receiving, or otherwise accessing a firearm in
      accordance with section 922 of title 18.

  2. I alway knew that Rubio and Lindsay Graham was a swamp rat but Crenshaw I was surprised about. One of my friend told or warned me about Crenshaw being part of the swamp. Who are the other 135 shit bags voting in favor of these Red gun laws!?

  3. Simple Solution : In 2022 , Vote out Every Congressperson & Senator & Replace them With New Blood. I Fought in a damn WAR to PROTECT our FREEDOM. I Take it personal when our [ So Called ] Government Votes to take that FREEDOM Away. We need a Complete Purge of Congress & Senate in 2022. Nuff Said.

  4. Nothing has or will change except for me dying to protect my rights as usual. Want my guns? Come and get them. Good Luck with that.

  5. Yes I would also like to know who the other crap bag RINO’S are that voted for those UNCONSTITUTIONAL Re Flag Fiasco Gun Laws!!!!!

  6. What many people have missed is that virtually all elected Republican officials who supported Donald Trump favor gun control. Why do I say that? Because Trump himself said “take the guns first, due process later” & he also signed the bump stock ban into law plus he signed FIX NICS into law. I could go on, but Trump is a gun grabber.

  7. You mention pages 293 to 297, but the bill is not split up in that way. What SECTION are you objecting to??? Without a reasonable study of the objections, none of us can really talk with any clarity on the subject. Need your help here!!!

    1. “(j) Restrictions on Access to Firearms.–
      “(1) In general.–Notwithstanding any other provision of
      “(A) a military court protective order issued on
      an ex parte basis shall restrain a person from
      possessing, receiving, or otherwise accessing a
      firearm; and
      “(B) a military court protective order issued
      after the person to be subject to the order has
      received notice and opportunity to be heard on the
      order, shall restrain such person from possessing,
      receiving, or otherwise accessing a firearm in
      accordance with section 922 of title 18.

  8. They all need to read the constitution. And they all took an OATH to protect it an follow the constitution . Otherwise you don’t have a job.

  9. I don’t like to seered flag laws that eliminate due process and respect for individual rights ignored.

  10. H.R. 4350, known as Red Flag Laws. This anti-Second Amendment bill advances legislation that will allow police to confiscate firearms of individuals to be a threat to themselves or others. This sounds good, but under a socialist government, proposed by many in the U. S. legislature and administration, who are not trustworthy, would unfoundedly deem many to be a threat, and order police to break in homes in order to confiscate any firearms found.

    This law, I understand, brandishing a firearm could be considered a threat to others. So, a Marxist leader identifies farmer Jones, walking along the edge of his property with a shotgun, as a threat to others, when he had been hunting game on his property, and gives this leader an excuse to invade a home.

  11. Why is this resurfacing two months later? I knew about this, so this popping up again confused me? Will the Senate be voting on this soon? I don’t own a gun, but after seeing that the Patriot Act can step all over people’s rights (J6 prisoners in jail for many months to near a year). It’s obvious to anybody, gun owner or not, why they want this to pass. Just like Donald said. If the Senate passes this, guns will be confiscated for the smallest reason and we’ll be like Australia. You all see what’s happening in Australia, right???

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