MEMPHIS, MO – According to Fox News, a Missouri county sheriff announced that he would not comply with an FBI audit that he claimed was an attempt to illegally obtain information on concealed carry holders- even if it meant jail time.
Bryan Whitney, the Sheriff of Scotland County in northeast Missouri, wrote in a letter to the citizens of his county that he would not cooperate with a planned FBI audit of various sheriff’s offices in the Show-Me State. Fox News reported that Whitney, a Republican, wrote the letter to the citizens of Scotland County after receiving word that 24 Missouri counties would be selected by the FBI for audit next month.
“As the sheriff of Scotland County, I want all my citizens to know that I will not allow, cooperate or release any CCW information to the FBI, even at the threat of a federal arrest,” Whitney wrote according to Fox News. “Point Blank, I will go down with the ship if need be.”
Whitney told Fox News Digital that the recent California Department of Justice data breach was “one of the exact reasons” why he is resisting an FBI audit. As we reported to you last month, the California DOJ suffered an alleged data breach that released the personal information of every concealed carry owner in the state.
Other Missouri officials have jumped in, voicing their opposition to the audit. Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt wrote a letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray demanding that the agency cease what he considered an illegal attempt to obtain information on Missouri residents with concealed carry permits.
“The FBI has absolutely no business poking around in the private information of those who have obtained a concealed carry permit in Missouri,” Schmitt wrote in a press release, claiming that Missouri law forbade the sharing of information of concealed carry permit holders with any entity. “The Second Amendment rights of Missourians will absolutely not be infringed on my watch. I will use the full power of my Office to stop the FBI, which has become relentlessly politicized and has virtually no credibility, from illegally prying around in the personal information of Missouri gun owners.”
The FBI responded to Whitney and Schmitt’s allegations by telling Fox News Digital that the planned audit “a small sampling of system transactions is to be inspected for compliance and to ensure there is no misuse of the [FBI’s Criminal Justice Information Services Division] systems.”
“At no point would auditors require access to lists such as state approved concealed carry holders, nor would the CJIS Division retain information beyond what is necessary to address a specific compliance concern,” the FBI wrote in a statement, Fox News reported, adding that the state has “been through this routine audit multiple times, most recently in 2018.”
Whitney told Fox News Digital that he was getting ready to move all paperwork concerning concealed carry weapons to a secure location in case of an FBI search warrant.
We often talk about national politics on this page. But the last 24 months have driven home the fact that the most critical elections you can vote in are your local and state elections.
If you choose a rock-ribbed, ardent supporter of the Constitution with a passion for defending the rights of the citizens under his care, such as Sheriff Whitney, then you have chosen your best line of defense against tyrants in Washington D.C.
Look for these lesser magistrates serious about defending your rights, such as Sheriff Whitney, in your local elections. Look for the same in elections for state office such as as Eric Schmitt. Search out those willing to stand up for your rights as gun owners. They are your last political line of defense.

Good for you, Sheriff Whitney! More states need people like you, and a whole lot less of the alphabet soup agencies sticking their noses into citizens business.
We should all be so lucky to have a Sheriff like this man.
When is congress going to put a leash on some of these fed agencies.
We had this info last week get ready folks here is the answer
Take back our country
Good decision to stop bidens illegal mandates and requests.