President Joe Biden announced in a nationwide address last week that employers with 100 or more employees would be required to vaccinate all employees or require weekly testing.
Biden’s announcement set off a firestorm on social media, with some citizens praising Biden’s Covid-19 plan and some fiercely opposing it and promising legal action to stop it. However, Covid-19 vaccine mandates and passports are bringing up another issue gun owners have been warning about.
Gun owners are concerned that vaccine passports and mandates will be linked to Red Flag Gun Confiscation Orders that are the law in over 15 states already, and both Democrat and Republican lawmakers pushing them at the Federal level.
Chris Dorr, Executive Director for Ohio Gun Owners, told 2nd Amendment Daily News his members are very concerned the government will use a list of unvaccinated citizens to label them as “dangerous” and use Red Flag laws to confiscate their firearms. Dorr told 2ADN,
We have seen the government over the last year couple of years attempt to obliterate our freedoms at every turn, and they would do it if we let them. Red Flag laws have been sweeping the country in an effort by the government to disarm citizens who they arbitrarily classify as ‘dangerous.’
Now, with Biden’s speech attacking the ‘unvaccinated’ and treating them as though they are some existential threat to our society, what’s to stop them from using those who refuse to get the jab from being considered dangerous?
What’s to prevent them from adding gun owners who are unvaccinated to a list of people who would be Red Flagged and disarmed?”
A Twitter user named “Commie Fighter” posted a tweet in July that he was concerned about “Covid-19 checks” and that they were a slippery slope to Red Flag laws.
Here is the image of his tweet:

The concern from gun owners when Covid-19 first began was that freedoms stripped away now would be used to justify fighting what gun control activists have called the “gun violence epidemic.”
Throughout the Covid-19 response, gun control advocates have continued to tie gun control and Coronavirus responses together. They claim that both are safety issues and that government must step in.
One Twitter user named “buckeye chuck” blasted the Ohio Senate, led by Republicans, and said they didn’t care about Ohioan’s safety. Here is what chuck said,

With Democrats running out of time before the mid-term elections, there is a possibility that Republicans will take the House of Representatives. Because of that possibility, gun owners are anticipating a push once again for gun control before November, and the vaccine mandate may help push the gun control advocates’ efforts.
Gun control has been successful in making it through the U.S. House this year. Still, it has run into roadblocks in the U.S. Senate, thanks to the efforts of 2nd Amendment activists. Additionally, a few Democrat Senators in more moderate states fear that a significant push on gun control could cost them their elections.
For now, groups like Ohio Gun Owners say they will continue to fight Red Flag Gun Confiscation Orders and will watch closely to ensure that Covid-19 policies, especially vaccine mandates, are not tied to the issue.
Are you concerned that vaccine passports may be tied to Red Flag laws in the future? Then, let us know in the comments below!
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