WASHINGTON- In the wake of the Democratic Party’s push for more gun control legislation after Buffalo and Uvalde, more Republicans are voicing support for some form of legislative action.
Senator Chris Murphy (D-Conn.), who has made passing gun-control measures his mission in Congress, told Jonathan Karl of ABC News on This Week with George Stephanopoulos that bipartisan negotiations were underway.
The list of Republican legislators include Sens. John Cornyn (R-TX), a top lieutenant of Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and Pat Toomey (R-PA).
Senator Murphy told Karl that red flag laws, possible universal background checks, and safe storage were among the items under discussion.
Every single time, after one of these mass shootings, there’s talks in Washington and they never succeed. But there are more Republicans interested in talking about finding a path forward this time than I have ever seen since Sandy Hook,” Murphy told Karl. “And while, in the end, I may end up being heartbroken, I am at the table in a more significant way right now with Republicans and Democrats than ever before. Certainly, many more Republicans willing to talk right now than were willing to talk after Sandy Hook.”
Murphy has good reason for his cautious optimism amid the increasing number of Republicans signaling support for new federal gun control laws in some form or another.
Appearing on the same episode of This Week, Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) called passing legislation that would raise the age for legal gun purchases to 21-years-old “a no-brainer.”
Fellow Rep. Chris Jacobs (R-NY) said in a news conference last week that Buffalo and Uvalde have had a profound impact on him.
Despite being endorsed by some gun rights groups in his 2020 campaign, Jacobs said he supports not only raising the age for legal gun purchases but also banning assault weapons.
“If an assault weapons ban bill came to the floor that would ban something like an AR-15, I would vote for it,” Jacobs said, according to the Buffalo News.
Gun owners are getting tired of Republicans who talk — much less vote — like this.
What’s the point of having a Republican legislator if they haven’t got the spine that God gave a jellyfish?
The modern-day Republican party has a perverse fascination with snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. This election cycle, you have a Democratic Party, under the leadership of a President whose job approval rating is sitting at record lows, which some political observers believe are heading for historic midterm losses possibly on par with 1974 and 1994, and what do they do?
Sit down at the table with the party destined for oblivion to screw over one of their most reliable voting bases.
These aren’t the actions of statesmen. These are cowards of the worst sort.
In light of the flurry of legislation that is sure to be introduced to limit your rights as a law-abiding gun owner, it is more important than ever for you to take action to stop leftists, Democrats, and RINO’s from taking your constitutional right to bear arms away.
We have found that the best bang for our buck — off the range! — is the American Firearms Association. Get involved in their fight to stop Bipartisan gun control by sending an email to your legislators via the form they’ve provided below!
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